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As developing countries, Malaysia is not free from receiving new technology of electronic devices.  This development results in an increase of waste from electronic equipment i.e electronic waste (E-waste). E-waste has become a human and environmental threat due to its hazardous constituents such as heavy metals (Cr, Cd, Hg, Pb and etc.), Brominated flame retardant (BFRs) and Poly Chlorinated (PCBs). In view of the environmental problems involved in the management of E-waste, many countries and organizations have drafted national legislation to improve the reuse, recycling and other forms of recovery of such wastes so as to reduce disposal. The most effective environmental solutions are often to reduce the generation of waste, thereby placing reduction at the pinnacle of the hierarchy.  

The use of computers at the government agency such as university and schools is extremely broad in line with the advancement technology that is occurring in Malaysia. However, to maintain the transition technology, the computers needs to be dispose after five years so that the computers software can support the updated software. For that reason, the policy established by the government is that the obsolete computers need to be replaced with the latest one. To realize the current approach emphasized by the government i.e. the approach towards environmental-friendly development concept, Green-Tech Computing System as a technique for the reuse of obsolete computers in sustainable manner is introduced. 

Instead of purchasing new computers to replace old computers, the Disc On Module (DOM) can be installed into the old computers to transform them into Green-Tech Computing System. Using this device solution to revive the old computers will mean less discarding of old computers and hence will be environmental friendly. In the beginning the Green-Tech Computing System were tested to run all the software programs that were usually utilized in office and school environment. The expected outcome of the research are to reveal the potential of Green-Tech Computing System as one of the technique to reduce the electronic waste i.e computer waste in office and school environment, to propose the Green-Tech Computing System as a prototype model to guide the decision makers on the best way for managing computers waste and to propose the environmental and economical sustainable technique to manage electronic waste i.e computer waste.

Project Leader : Dr. Norazli binti Othman
Tel No : + 60 0326154213
Email :
UTM Razak School of Engineering and Advanced Technology
Universiti Teknologi Malaysia International College

Dr. Shreeshivadasan a/l chelliapan
En. Nor’azizi Othman


  •     To explore for an alternative solution for renewal the aging computer system that compatible with thelatest computer technology software.
  •      to develop Green-Tech Computing System model that is able to accommodate commonly used software at office and school environment.
  •        To compare and evaluate the performance of the Green-Tech Computing System with the Latest Computing System.
  •      To carry out a Life Cycle Assessment Study by establishing the Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) and Life Cycle Costing (LCC) data sheet as a baseline data to predict the impact of the Green-Tech Computing System towards  the environment and economy sustainable

  Model Set up